In this first post of the Let Maldòn rise again! post series, we will:
Let Maldòn rise again!
I have a project on my mind for some time now. The project is to rewrite the Maldòn application ( –which was initially developed in PHP for an internal Dailymotion hackathon in 2 days– with a new Web stack I want to try.
Bilan 2015, plan 2016
Personnellement, 2015 aura été une superbe année : voyage aux États-Unis et Martinique, Bretagne, Corse, déménagement, démission, découverte de nouvelles technologies… Le reste du monde ne peut malheureusement pas en dire autant : guerres, famines, attentats et j’en passe. Petit état des lieux et réponse à François, mon coloc de cœur.
Populating database tables from a CSV in Elixir
The next step after scaffolding my first Phoenix project was to populate my database with data representing French departments (departments are administrative divisions, we have 101 of them) and communes (communes are the smallest administrative divisions, we have 36,681 of them!).
Scaffolding a Phoenix project
Last weekend, Macha and I had a new project idea that will need an API server used by an Android app (to begin with). Since I’m very excited about Elixir and Phoenix these days, that’s the perfect occasion to start a new Phoenix project!